
nobody is responsible for your health but you

Holistic Wellness Consultants

CERPHOA is an organization established by AMENRAY FOUNDATION
that has the main aim of positively reforming the lives of people living
in Ghana through Holistic Wellness/Preventive approaches


CERPHOA is an organization established by AMENRAY FOUNDATION that has the main aim of positively reforming the lives of people living in Ghana through Holistic Wellness/Preventive approaches. Research has revealed that some health related problems hinder development in the Ghana and the organization stands to eradicate them... [read more]

About us

CERPHOA is an organization established by AMENRAY FOUNDATION that has the main aim of positively…


Our departments include Educational/Outreach & Training, Counselling, Nutritional, Legal, Policy…


Meet the hard working staff of Holistic Wellness Consultants


Whether you have questions about us, our departments or anything else, our staff is ready to answer all your questions

“nobody is responsible for your health but you”

conact us today!